Sunday, March 21, 2010

Visit to the National Library

Posted for Saturday, 20 March

The visit to the National Library was impressive. The design of the “palace”, as it is called, was well thought out in terms of 21st Century design and form to function issues of the building. Planning for its existence well into the future, with provision for materials acquisition in terms of legal deposit, has been done for continued use for the next 150 years. Bravo to the architects and librarians who planned this facility. The speeches which launched library week, was generally plodding and ultimately exhausting (this may have been due to the fact that we were immersed in work for the past week without any REAL breaks). A golden theme that ran through all the speeches was something we had discussed in one of our sessions in “class” at Riverside 1, which is the freedom of expression. Whether it was the poets, the music or the talks, they all had an element of freedom of expression link to their talks, either directly or indirectly.


  1. The following link is very useful in this context. Do have a look:
    This site lists the national libraries of the world and some of the bibbest libraries around!

  2. I need to think about how I can place my library within the context of the national library. Yes, we provide an inter-library loan service, we are linked to SABINET, but is this as far as it goes?
