Tuesday, April 6, 2010

SA libraries: The way forward

Posted for Friday, 26 March 2010
Christine Stilwell's presentation on the future of libraries in South Africa was helpful and enlightening, coming in as the last presentation of the academy. One of the comments she had from last year's academy participants, was the following: "LIS workers in the current diverse environment, must be highly skilled people with technological, social and creative skills, who have insight into the important role they play in the education of South African people." I can thoroughly identify with this statement In my current position, I have to wear many hats, one technological, where I am well versed with the current IT, both PC knowledge and knowledge about networks, the Internet and databases, and be a people's person. My knowledge of the information contained in my library is also put to the test on a daily basis and I constantly have to scan the literature to keep abreast of what happening in my field of librarianship and that of the Health and Wellness faculty which I serve.

1 comment:

  1. The following site discusses scenarios of what libraries will look like in the future.

